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Writer's pictureDanisha Keating

Is It YOUR Time?

Whew! It has been a minute, folks! 

The book has officially been live for over a month, and I am getting SUCH great feedback. Can I be honest with you? I have this weird tendency to get SUPER excited about something and think it will blow up overnight, and my husband has to remind me that things take time to grow AND that we may not be ready for THAT type of growth just YET.

And things do take time! And he is SO right. There are times we are not ready to level-up and get to the next thing. We need to get our systems, processes, and even mindset to the right place before we can accept and succeed in some areas.


It would be like having an office space that is messy, and not being able to think clearly about the work you need to do because the office is messy (see picture below). We may need to pause, clean up the mess, and then move forward to the next task.

Now, there are times that the room is not as messy, and we are just making the excuse that we cannot focus…


Or maybe we are running around and running in a thousand directions but making no progress.


Or maybe, maybe we have given up all together.


Or maybe you are like me. A bootstrap person.


A bootstrap person is someone who picks themselves back up and tries again, no matter what the cost. But can I tell you a horrible habit that I have built that has REALLY hindered my success? It’s something I could not recognize until I was in a place of being emotionally, mentally, and physical safe.


Sometimes in my moments of pushing so far and pushing to rise above, I forgot to listen to the advice that was GOOD. I was too quick in the application, and too quick in the giving up because it did not work right away.


I keep looking for the overnight success moments, that I ignored the time needed for something to work. And that’s been difficult to work through. Why? Because I have usually been in survival mode.


This entire year has been geared to reminding my brain that we are not in survival anymore. We are thriving. We are giving things time. And we are going to continue to be patient through the steps…. Right?


Friends, there is a time to pivot and there is a time to give something time.


We pivot when: When where we are going to eat somewhere and arrive to find out it’s closed…. We pivot quickly because we are most likely hangry!


We give time to something when: It takes a year or two to build an online presence and, in the waiting, we work on our speaking technique, our messaging, and our stage presence. Where do we practice, you ask? The shower, the car, the living room, in front of friends and family, record yourself on your phone and watch it back… You get it..



There are times to pivot and times to hold the line so that we are able to find success overtime.


And we also remember that we do not become overnight successes. We usually do not see the work someone else is doing behind closed doors to get to where they are.


With that said,  I am excited for what is coming in the future and what 2025 holds, and let me tell you, it feels MASSIVE compared to anything I have ever done before, but do you know what I keep thinking about?


I did not get here overnight but I am so excited that I listened to people along the way: Give it time.


So, now I share that with you. Learn to pivot and learn when to wait.


Learn when to pull yourself up and move on and learn when to give it time to grow.


Learn when to get moving and when to hold the line.



And in the waiting, cheer yourself on.


Your friend,



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